Best Western Rewards®

Book BWR
Hotel Centrale rewards your loyalty

Best Western Rewards® is the Best Western loyalty programme that gives you access to dedicated rates and numerous benefits with your stays in over 4,500 hotels worldwide!

Discounts up to 30% with member rates!

Discover the benefits and discounts for members of our loyalty programme by choosing the BWR rate that best suits your needs!

Plus, for Best Western Rewards® Gold, Platinum, Diamond and Diamond Select members who book qualifying rates on Best Western channels, breakfast is free!

  • Discount up to 30%
  • Breakfast not included
  • Prepaid rate, free cancellation within 24 h
  • Standard BWR points
  • 10% discount on the best flexible rate
  • Breakfast not included
  • The rate can be cancelled. Payment at the hotel.
  • Standard BWR points
  • 5% off on the best flexible rate
  • Breakfast included
  • The rate can be cancelled. Payment at the hotel.
  • Standard BWR points

Are you a Best Western Rewards® member already? Login with your credentials, choose your exclusive rate and book online or contact the toll-free number 800 82 00 80 directly.

Not yet a member? Join now for free and start collecting points!

All Best Western Rewards® benefits

As a Best Western Rewards® member
you are entitled to:
Book your stay